Information, Please: Are you giving money to Koch Industries?

By Mad Dog
Published: Feb 27, 2011

Ever since Jane Mayer eviscerated the Koch Brothers in The New Yorker, some of us have been looking more closely at these billionaire brothers. In Wisconsin, we recently learned, Koch Industries is the biggest donor to a Governor determined to smash the teachers’ union. Big surprise: the company is poised to make fresh fortunes in that state. Some of you may wonder: Am I buying Koch products? Well, if you have strong feelings about this stuff, here’s the list of Koch-owned products you may not want to buy:

— Vanity Fair, Zee and Sparkle napkins.

— Angel Soft, Quilted Northern and Soft ‘n Gentle toilet paper.

— Brawny paper towels.
— Dixie cups, plates, bowls and napkins.