Josh Ritter, Tarrytown, NY, 8/7

By Mad Dog
Published: Jul 19, 2010

Josh Ritter will be at the Tarrytown Music Hall on Saturday, August 7th at 8 PM. It’s a small (800 seats) old bandbox, an ideal venue for a singer/songwriter. If years past are a guide, the Josh/Tarrytown combo is a fine mini-expedition: a pleasant drive, a stroll along the Hudson, dinner at one of the restaurants near the Music Hall, and then Josh and the Royal City Band light the place up.

We have winners in the ticket contest, but maybe you can get interested in second prize. Scale down your expectations. The next four of you to write in can join me at dinner. Dutch treat, but my charming wife and mouthy child will be there. Or you can just buy tickets. Ready…go!